1. From Cattle to Beef Onscreen: Animal Rendering as Extraction in ...
Nov 12, 2024 · This essay sets out to ask what happens if we consider the raising, killing, and distribution of livestock animals as a form of extraction ...
By Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa. This article argues that animal images are part of extractive media by analyzing the sponsored films made by the beef industry in the mid-twentieth century.
2. As a New Year dawns, so does a new era in the treatment of animals ...
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As the New Year dawns, we celebrate the humane laws taking effect in 2024 that address a range of animal protection concerns.
3. What the 2023 Farm Bill Could Change for Animals and Farmers
Jun 20, 2023 · “Tens of billions of dollars are invested into the production of animal feed and conservation programs that ultimately serve as government ...
Negotiations for the 2023 Farm Bill are well underway, and farm animals may play a larger role than expected.
4. New USDA Data Shows Nearly 50% Increase In U.S. Factory Farmed ...
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Today’s factory farms produce twice the sewage of the entire U.S. population
5. History Is Bunk? Animal Rights and the End of the Assembly Line
Aug 21, 2014 · When applied to farmed animals, the assembly line hits truly brutal efficiency. Farmed animals are caught in a system that literally traps them ...
Considering that we strive to cultivate an indefatigably positive spirit in our animal activism, we’re huge fans of endeavors that give us hope for the future of veganism and animal rights. This piece by Kevin Schneider discusses some of these very endeavors that continue to nurture our activist spirits a year after the piece’s original publication, which is exactly why we’re thrilled to resurrect it for #ThrowbackThursday. This article originally appeared on Our Hen House on June 7, 2013. If you’d like to see a certain OHH article resurrected, email us at info [at] ourhenhouse [dot] org. *** Kevin Schneider is back, this time to discuss the future of meat. *** History Is Bunk? Animal Rights and the End of the Assembly Line by Kevin Schneider Henry Ford, the brilliant American industrialist, is famously quoted as saying, “History is bunk.” Ironically enough, Ford’s own contribution to modern commerce – the assembly line – might soon itself be, well, bunk. While the assembly line has made possible great strides in material wealth and welfare, new technologies like additive manufacturing have the potential to radically change the way we organize labor and produce goods. In addition to unlocking human creativity by moving us away from a one-size-fits-all method of production, the end of the assembly line could be the best news yet for the planet’s non-human inhabitants.
6. Factory Farming - Farm Sanctuary
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Factory farms dominate U.S. food production & are harmful to the environment, social justice, animal welfare, & human health.
7. Everything You Need to Know About Factory Farming - Animal Equality
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Find out everything you need to know about factory farming practices and what it means for the farmed animals these factories breed and raise for food.
8. No Animal Left Behind | Eurogroup for Animals
Countless animals are suffering on factory farms across the EU, due to outdated and weak laws that do very little to protect them and address their needs.
Our Key Demands
9. Beyond Factory Farms: A New Look at the Rights of Animals - Yale E360
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Philosopher Peter Singer’s book, Animal Liberation, helped launch the animal rights movement nearly 50 years ago. He talks with Yale Environment 360 about how we now better understand how animals feel pain and how other species are not so different from humans as we thought.
10. Inhumane Practices on Factory Farms - Animal Welfare Institute
Raised by the thousands at a single location, animals are confined in such tight quarters that they can barely move, let alone behave normally. Four or more egg ...
The rearing of farm animals today is dominated by industrialized facilities known as concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs (often referred to as “factory farms”) that maximize profits by treating animals not as sentient creatures, but as production units. Raised by the thousands at a single location, animals are confined in such tight quarters that they can barely move, let alone behave normally.
11. How Slaughterhouses Work: The Harsh Reality of Meat Production
Jun 11, 2024 · A slaughterhouse is where farmed animals are taken to be killed, usually for food. The method of slaughter varies widely depending on the species, location of ...
See AlsoWww.publicsurplus.com Motor PoolA brief primer on the harsh conditions animals and workers endure.
12. Global Animal Slaughter Statistics & Charts - Faunalytics
May 15, 2024 · In the summer of 2023, we came across a blog post stating that the number of land animals “used and killed” annually around the globe in 2020 ...
In this resource, updated with the latest available data, we aggregate and explore trends in animal slaughter around the world using UN FAO data tracked since 1960.
13. The Lives of Chickens Inside Thailand's Factory Farms
Sep 14, 2023 · Together with World Animal Protection, We Animals photojournalists investigated the brutal lives of broiler chickens on industrial farms ...
Together with World Animal Protection, We Animals photojournalists investigated the brutal lives of broiler chickens on industrial farms supplying popular fast-food chains in Thailand.
14. Open rescues: Saving animals from factory farms - Animal Equality
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While the meat industry tries to conceal suffering, activists are working to save animals from it through a direct action called “open rescue.”
15. Meat and Dairy Production - Our World in Data
... (2023) – Learn more about this data. OurWorldinData.org/meat-production | CC ... The visualization details the total number of livestock animals slaughtered for ...
Meat is an important source of nutrition for people around the world. How quickly is demand growing? And what are the implications for animal welfare and the earth’s environment?
16. Making Machines of Animals | Hopkins Press
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How the Chicago International Livestock Exposition leveraged the eugenics movement to transform animals into machines and industrialize American agriculture.In 1900, the Chicago International Livestock Exposition became the epicenter of agricultural reform that focused on reinventing animals' bodies to fit a modern, industrial design. Chicago meatpackers partnered with land-grant university professors to create the International—a spectacle on the scale of a world's fair—with the intention of setting the standard for animal quality and, in doing so, transformed American agriculture.In Making Machines of Animals, Neal A. Knapp explains the motivations of both the meatpackers and the professors, describing how they deployed the International to redefine animality itself. Both professors and packers hoped to replace so-called scrub livestock with "improved" animals and created a new taxonomy of animal quality based on the burgeoning eugenics movement. The International created novel definitions of animal superiority and codified new norms, resulting in a dramatic shift in animal weight, body size, and market age. These changes transformed the animals from multipurpose to single-purpose products. These standardized animals and their dependence on off-the-farm inputs and exchanges limited farmers' choices regarding husbandry and marketing, ultimately undermining any goals for balanced farming or the maintenance and regeneration of soil fertility.Drawing on land-grant university re...
17. The science of cultivated meat | GFI - The Good Food Institute
... line selection. However, this is challenging. Species used in cultivated meat production (especially aquatic animals) are much less researched than humans ...
Learn about the science of cultivated meat and the challenges that must be addressed for commercial production.
18. Why I'm proud to stand trial defending the right to rescue animals
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Enshrining the right to rescue could open the door to a new view of animals under the law — as legal persons, rather than “property.”
19. Factory Farming - Last Chance for Animals
Because factory farming is a business, its goal is to maximize production and, consequently, profit. Since the animals are seen as mere commodities, they are ...
Last Chance for Animals is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. The organization believes that animals are highly sentient creatures who exist for their own reasons independent of their service to humans; they should thus not be made to suffer for the latter. LCA therefore opposes the use of animals in food and clothing production, scientific experimentation, and entertainment. Instead it promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle and the ascription of rights to non-human beings.
20. Undercover Investigations - Mercy For Animals
In Mercy For Animals' second video from an investigation conducted at an ALDI supplier, actress and mother Daniella Monet shares the story of Rose, a baby ...
Undercover Investigations Behind closed doors, animals are suffering at factory farms. Mercy For Animals’ brave undercover investigators work to expose and end the abuse. Undercover Investigations Behind closed doors, animals are suffering at factory farms. Mercy For Animals’ brave undercover investigators work to expose and end the abuse. EXPOSING THE TRUTH At industrial farms and […]