Adam Curtis Pet (2024)

1. BBC Blogs - Adam Curtis - HEAVY PETTING

  • Dec 20, 2012 · And the first hero of this new breed is Loukanikos - the dog that turns up to all the riots in Athens. Naturally his name translates as Sausage.

  • I have always been convinced that animal programmes are one of the most powerful ideological expressions of our time - telling stories that both express and reinforce how we understand our relationship to each other socially and politically in powerfully emotional ways.

2. BBC Blogs - Adam Curtis - HEAVY PETTING - Comments

  • "Adam Curtis: BBC archive clip of dogs and soda" "Adam Curtis: Sausage the Greek riot dog" - The guy in the Soda Dogs clip also makes it, he's great. Try ...

  • I have always been convinced that animal programmes are one of the most powerful ideological expressions of our time - telling stories that both express and reinforce how we understand our relationship to each other socially and politically in powerfully emotional ways.

3. feeling listless: "I ended up making films about talking dogs."

  • Feb 26, 2012 · And I ended up making films about talking dogs. So there wasn't a moment of epiphany, but it was more like a strange drug-induced experience of ...

  • TV e-flux has an expansive, multi-part interview with documentarian Adam Curtis which includes how he entered the BBC and what is first j...

4. Adam Curtis Talks to Jacobin About Power, Politics, and His New Film

5. All Roll Is B-Roll​|Adam Curtis Goes Quiet - The Drift Magazine

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  • Adam Curtis Goes Quiet

6. The dirty tricks and shady tactics of Adam Curtis - Little White Lies

  • Oct 27, 2016 · In his sprawling new work for the BBC, HyperNormalisation, Adam Curtis reveals his limited range as a filmmaker ... pet themes arrive with an ...

  • In his sprawling new work for the BBC, HyperNormalisation, Adam Curtis reveals his limited range as a filmmaker.

7. Adam Curtis Films - Thought Maybe

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  • Recently AddedBy TitleBy Popularity

8. Curtis, Adam - Anna Bidoonism

  • Adam Curtis isn't a writer of books per se, but I place him in this ... His pet theme can be summarised as: power and how it works in society. So ...

  • Adam Curtis isn’t a writer of books per se, but I place him in this category because I see his documentaries to be highly insightful and well worth learning from. His favourite theme is ̶…

9. Adam Curtis and the Secret History of Everything - The New York Times

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  • In the British filmmaker’s epic documentaries, the world as we know it is pulled back to reveal a complex web of history, technology and power.

10. Adam Curtis - Artforum

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  • Adam Curtis is a British documentary filmmaker and a journalist at the BBC. His most recent film, the six-part Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of…

11. Imagine a New Collectivism: An Interview with Adam Curtis

  • Dec 7, 2022 · Because the BBC is a public service organization, I thought I should find a way of putting it up online. I'm sort of like the BBC's pet. What I ...

  • Samuel McIlhagga sat down with filmmaker Adam Curtis for a discussion of his new series, "TraumaZone, 1985-1999"—and had a wide-ranging conversation about his work, truth, lies, and journalism, dueling Ends of History, and more.

12. Adam Curtis - Longform

  • On Jack Idema, a con-man who once ran a pet hotel before reinventing himself as a black-ops secret agent in Afghanistan, and the history of ...

  • Articles written by Adam Curtis on Longform.

13. Legendary Documentarian Adam Curtis on His Extraordinary New ...

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  • “Can’t Get You Out of My Head,” his new six-part series, is as heartbreaking as it is revelatory.

14. Adam Curtis | The Guardian

  • May 31, 2023 · 'Amazing good at getting laughs' … Rantzen asking passers-by to taste bat. 'Esther, the singing dog won't sing!' Rantzen ...

  • Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice

15. Adam Curtis picks 10 films that capture the mood of their times - BFI

  • Mar 23, 2021 · Plus, it's got a talking dog. Available to Stream on Amazon Prime, YouTube and GooglePlay. 9. Stalker. Andrei Tarkovsky, USSR 1979. Stalker ...

  • Art may not be able to change the world, as Adam Curtis argues in our current cover interview feature, but sometimes it cuts to the quick of the feel of an era. Here he selects ten movies that do just that.

Adam Curtis Pet (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.